Let’s connect.

Brand identity design is more than the face of a business. It is the way your company story is told and perceived. Great design will not only elevate your brand, but it establishes a new level of trust. If you are interested in learning more, fill out the form. The next step will be a quick 15 minute discovery call. We will make magic together.

More than a logo…

Christina Ketmayura is a brand enthusiast and web designer who works strategically to bring companies to life. She is passionate about the story, the “why” behind the brand. Good design is more than something beautiful. Great design should go unnoticed as it works from behind to bring a brand’s story to life. The loudest and boldest brands don’t always translate to taking the spotlight.

She is a wife, a mother of two, and owner of Tokki Goods. When she’s not designing, you can find her reading a book, cooking or at hot yoga.